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Auburn, AL Flat Fee MLS & For Alabama Sellers!
- List in the Lee County Auburn, Alabama REALTORS® MLS & for a low Flat Fee and save thousands off your contract selling price. Sell without a Aurburn, Alabama Realtor® (”By Owner”) and pay absolutely no commission. Click And Save Thousands!
- The local MLS for Aurburn, Alabama is the Lee County MLS, which covers all of Lee (Auburn) County. The purpose of Auburn, Alabama Discount Realtors flat fee FSBO MLS is to save Alabama consumers thousands of dollars in real estate commissions by offering choice of real estate brokerage services.
- National Website Listings* Your Auburn, Alabama MLS listing will also receive exposure on sites like MSN®, Yahoo Real Estate®, as well as other Realtor® websites which offer MLS searches to the public.
- Our Auburn, Alabama (AL) affiliates will route potential buyers to you directly for a quick By Owner sale!*